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Exercise Guide

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Here you will find exercises that I favour for general fitness, to build strong muscles and improve stability. These are exercises that I have personally done, I won’t include exercises I haven’t done.

Bench Press

In this video I am bench pressing 110kg for just 1 rep.

There are many ways you can bench press:

Normal: Lower the bar to your chest, touch chest, and push up.

Let The Bar Sink In: In the video, I am doing this. Bring the bar down to your chest, but instead of pressing down immediately, you actually allow the bar to rest on your chest, and then you push up as explosively as possible.

Speed Reps: These are good for developing long term explosive strength. You do a few warm up sets before your main set, and every single rep is fast.

When I bench press, keep your bottom, back and feet flat on the floor, take a deep breath in and start repping.


In this video I am deadlifting 150kg. I weigh about 88kg in this video, so it’s not a bad amount of weight for how much I weigh.

I use straps for my deadlifts because unfortunately I have weak wrists. Believe it or not I can’t even deadlift 100kg for more than 1 rep before my grip gives out.

The conventional deadlift (Is it’s alternate name) is an exercise where you pick up the barbell while it’s in front of you. It’s more advantageous to have your feet closer together as opposed to wider apart.

Simultaneously pull your back away from the bar and push your feet into the floor. Squeeze your butt at the top as well as your back muscles.

Lower the bar down as slowly as you can with control.

It’s also important to brace your abs hard during each rep.

Bent Over Row

Bent over row’s are completely underrated and not enough people do them, or even do them properly.

A bent over row tests every single muscle in the body, but is primarily used to target the back, including the lats, rhomboids and lower traps.

It requires you to hinge into position, which is where you allow the acetabulum to revolve around the femoral head, and NOT just rounding your back.

In this video I am doing 100kg for 5 reps. The heavier you go, the harder the exercise and the more upright you’ll be. As long as you limit how much momentum to use.

I started off with 60kg and worked my way up over several sessions.


People will forever argue what exercise is superior, that of the squat or the deadlift. Truth be told they are both good and should be done regularly.

Here I am squatting with 110kg. I use Adidas Olympic weightlifting shoes and I ONLY squat A2G (Ass to grass) because I have the skeletal make up for it.

Feet close together, solid brace, squeeze the core muscles. Keep it slow on the eccentric and push up.

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